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Estilos de Yoga

Cada uno es único y especial. Si nunca has practicado yoga tienes que darle una oportunidad a cada uno de ellos, estoy segura que te sorprenderán. 

Image by Eneko Uruñuela

Tener claro que,

Todos estos estilos así como las posturas, siempre se adaptan a a cada persona y depende mucho del alumno, sus requerimientos y qué es lo que está buscando o necesitando.  Estos son los estilos en los cuales yo me he certificado, practico y enseño.  

Image by Conscious Design

Yoga with Presence

This program  consists of virtual classes on breathing exercises, Yin Yoga and meditation 🫶🏼.


From Monday to Friday we have a class that starts at 5:30 am (Peru time) and at night on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 pm, the idea is that for 1 hour you have this special time for yourself, it is ideal to connect with you and start or end your day differently 💫

You can choose to be in 1, 2, 3, 4 classes or if you want every day of the week, there are different plans per week and per month.

contact us

Leave us your information and tell us what styles you would like to practice, the schedules that best suit you so that we can put together a plan according to what you need.

¿Qué estilo de yoga has practicado?
¿Qué prefieres?
¿Qué estilos te gustaría practicar?

Thank you for your message!

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